Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Break Away

     Sometimes life gets in the way of goals. My kids kept getting sick over the last couple of months, I kept getting sick and then I just got lazy. I didn't take a 100% break, but it was pretty close. I think in the last two months I made it to the gym a total of maybe 8 times. It seemed like I would just get back into the gym when another virus would strike my house down. I got bored with my Zumba, Insanity and yoga routines here at home, bored with walking in place and bored with food. I didn't gain weight, luckily, but I did lose a lot of my hard earned muscle mass. What does that mean? I gained fat while losing muscle and maintained my weight. Not what I want to do. I don't mind a maintained weight, or even a weight gain, so long as my muscle mass goes up. Unfortunately, it's the price paid when excuses are made and illness strikes!
     All that aside, I started back at it last week! I hurt myself right away by injuring my quads. Luckily, they are better this week and I hit leg day like there was no tomorrow yesterday! Haha!! So glad to be back and heading straight towards a goal! Mentally, I think the last few months off have actually been good for me. While it sucked not being in the gym and all I could think about was how much I was going to really hate the scale and tape measure, it helped me to gather myself and set my focus on new goals. I haven't weighed since the beginning of last week and I have no intentions of weighing again any time soon. I don't want my goals to be number focused anymore. I want to look in the mirror and say "that is one hell of a hot mama right there!" My mind set is in a better place.

   During my break was my 28th birthday. For my birthday, my husband got me a new running buddy! I wont be able to run with her for another year or so, but I can't wait to do so! Since I can't find a human running buddy, I now have a puppy! Haha! Her name is Chipsy and she is a 4 1/2 month old Australian Shepherd puppy! The kids adore her and I love to just snuggle with her! She has added an extra spark to our lives!
     I guess that is about it for my update! Keep watch for more updates in the future! I post often on my Instagram and my facebook page! There is a link to both on this blog if you want to look me up! Hope you all have a great day! 

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